#Nanaimo E&N Train Station Google Sketchup annimation http://www.thesidewalkballet.com/2013/12/functiond-s-id-var-js-fjs-d_29.html
Posted by Frank Murphy on Sunday, December 29, 2013
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
E&N Train Station — @SketchUp animation
Friday, December 18, 2015
Environmental studies complete,
Ministry of Environment clears downtown waterfront lands for development
Ministry of Environment has given approval for @CityofNanaimo’s south downtown waterfront lands lands to be subdivided,...
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Friday, December 18, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
#Nanaimo South End Community Association AGM minutes. SECA continues to set the standard for effective inclusive...
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Thursday, December 17, 2015
From Project for Public Spaces —
Detroit's Eastern Market
Great Public Spaces nominee

@CBCUnreserved tweeting all 94
Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations
Unreserved will tweeting every @TRC_en recommendation over the next 94 days. Here's No. 1. #TRC94 pic.twitter.com/fxfqy8CZBJ
— Unreserved (@CBCUnreserved) December 15, 2015
Unreserved is tweeting a @TRC_en recommendation each day for 94 days. Here's No. 2. #TRC94 pic.twitter.com/1lomI8qoym
— Unreserved (@CBCUnreserved) December 16, 2015
We are tweeting all 94 recommendations by @TRC_en. No. 3 refers to @Caringsociety and Jordan's Principle. #TRC94 pic.twitter.com/EpbyrYvqd7
— Unreserved (@CBCUnreserved) December 17, 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
From American Planning —
The Role of Public Markets
in Community Building
The Role of Public Markets in Community Building https://t.co/zR6sVFmqcX pic.twitter.com/JMGc1Uvr7I
— American Planning (@APA_Planning) November 16, 2015
Since 2007, the American Planning Association has designated 245 Great Places in America. As a part of the Great Places program, APA has often recognized public markets, old and new, for adding vibrancy, character, and functionality to communities across America.Monday, December 14, 2015
From Better Cities and Towns —
The new theory of traffic engineering
"The new science of traffic engineering", a new must-read series from @BCitiesTowns. https://t.co/2QjTpECmdU pic.twitter.com/Q6priuzKEw
— NewUrbanism (@NewUrbanism) December 14, 2015
Dumbaugh cited, at the time, at least 10 studies that contradicted the wisdom of the traffic engineering profession on this subject, and he conducted his own study designed to test the theory of what he calls “forgiving design.” Without a doubt, this concept leads to more injury and death in populated areas. All of the data pointed to a better theory: In urban places, obstacles and constrictions make streets safer, because they cause motor vehicle operators to drive more carefully.—@lisahelps Science degrees in traffic engineering a “fraud upon students and upon the pubic” —Jane Jacobs Dark Age Ahead @BrentToderian
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) February 25, 2014
"Most engineering is a science; traffic engineering is not. It is a social science with most traffic movers failing to understand people."
— Lisa Helps (@lisahelps) February 25, 2014
Traffic engineering is reforming itself.
— Jeff Speck (@JeffSpeckAICP) December 16, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
From Centre for Livable Cities —
Jan Gehl on planning cities using our biological history as walking animals
Interview- Jan Gehl on planning for people-oriented cities
Jan Gehl of Gehl Architects talks about planning #cities using our biological history as walking animals.
Posted by Centre for Liveable Cities on Thursday, December 10, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
From Connecting Dots . . . —
The Three Community Characteristics
of Highly Successful Transit Systems

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Transit hub proposed for South Waterfront —
What exactly is that?

Kennedy mobility hub, Scarborough. On the cusp of becoming a transit wonder: subway, LRT, SmartTrack intersect here. pic.twitter.com/PsjkYsXRtX
— jennifer keesmaat (@jen_keesmaat) December 8, 2015
Monday, December 7, 2015
Calgary Municipal Land Corporation task — "kick-start Calgary urban renewal"
Today we topped off the LRT enclosure and begin the vertical construction of the New Central Library. We celebrated this...
Posted by East Village Calgary on Wednesday, September 30, 2015
The Calgary Municipal Land Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Calgary was incorporated in 2007 "to implement and execute the Rivers District Community Revitalization Plan – a public infrastructure program approved by the City of Calgary and the Province of Alberta to kick-start Calgary’s urban renewal.".
- Redevelop, implement and activate public infrastructure to meet the needs of the community and the City of Calgary as sole shareholder
- Manage the investment in land and infrastructure for optimal financial return
- Demonstrate leading practices for sustainable development
- Demonstrate innovative and effective operating processes and practice
Sunday, December 6, 2015
From Business in Vancouver —
Traditional infrastructure funding
throws money down the sewer
LIVING/WORKING - Traditional infrastructure spending throws money down the sewer https://t.co/mb6V2wzFbn pic.twitter.com/OeDgHPiruV
— BusinessInVancouver (@bizinvancouver) December 6, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
The road to better business starts with a plaza
You want foot traffic, not car traffic. The road to better business starts with a plaza. #tbt streets Ridgewood QNS pic.twitter.com/57PezBq0qU
— Janette Sadik-Khan (@JSadikKhan) December 3, 2015
Senior management posts not filled,
Council fractious, Committee suspended — City of Nanaimo staff proceed with
South Downtown Waterfront Lands
master planning process regardless
The @CityofNanaimo, shortly after the South Downtown Waterfront Committee Chair, VIU VP Dave Witty, in frustration,...
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Thursday, December 3, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
From Better! Cities —
An animated Donald Shoup explains
How cars took over cities
Read more: Comedic history of how cars took over cities | Better! Cities
"The formula is simple: go to the city,
observe, and listen. And then join
together to effect change." — Jan Gehl
Portrait of Jan Gehl, The City Whisperer— @smart_magazine @PPS_Placemaking @citiesforpeople
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Nanaimo needs a Vancouver Island University downtown campus
#Nanaimo needs @VIUniversity downtown campus—@SFUVan campus hub for community programming, inclusive public dialogue https://t.co/u09RUUAfX9
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) November 22, 2015
.@SFU's 'engagement' chief Am Johal: What Makes an Engaged University? https://t.co/cVr6TiQGxk via @TheTyee
— SFU Public Square (@SFUPublicSquare) October 19, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
From Georgia Straight —
David Suzuki: Natural infrastructure is
good for the climate and communities
From @georgiastraight — David Suzuki: Natural infrastructure is good for the climate and communitieshttp://www.straight.com/news/579126/david-suzuki-natural-infrastructure-good-climate-and-communities
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Friday, November 20, 2015
David Suzuki: Natural infrastructure is good for the climate and communities | Georgia Straight Vancouver's News & Entertainment Weekly
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
From Congress for the New Urbanism — Urban freeways an endangered species
Seoul, Milwaukee, New York, Chattanooga…are urban freeways an endangered species? https://t.co/9ggg5BbHDH pic.twitter.com/FduczIY3q6
— NewUrbanism (@NewUrbanism) November 18, 2015
What could a #FreewayFreeSF do for the Bay Area? Get the new report and find out: https://t.co/UmTIuXaWHl pic.twitter.com/wXyyM8ePEI
— NewUrbanism (@NewUrbanism) November 18, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
#Nanaimo South Downtown Waterfront Committee Chair @VIUniversity VP Dave Witty presentation 2 @cityofnanaimo Council....
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Thursday, November 12, 2015
From The Congress for the New Urbanism —
Reclaiming the median in Salt Lake City

On the wide streets of Salt Lake City, one group is reclaiming space for people. #thisisCNU https://t.co/tpROF7yHK9 pic.twitter.com/CVIOqgDMyg
— NewUrbanism (@NewUrbanism) November 14, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
From @grescoe —
In the 20th century, "modern"
meant bringing cars into cities.
In the 21st it means keeping them out.
In the 20th century, being "modern" meant bringing cars into cities.
In the 21st, it means keeping them out. pic.twitter.com/XVBgpSSpus
— Taras Grescoe (@grescoe) November 11, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
Nanaimo SDWI Chair Witty asks Council
to suspend his Committee until the key partners can give "clarity in direction"
#Nanaimo South Downtown Waterfront Committee Chair @VIUniversity VP Dave Witty presentation 2 @cityofnanaimo Council....
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Thursday, November 12, 2015
On Nanaimo City Council Committee of the Whole agenda this afternoon, a report from South Downtown Waterfront Initiative Committee Chair Dave Witty. He suggests that the Committee has accomplished all it can and should be suspended until —
To: #Nanaimo Mayor&Council@nanaimo.ca
Subject: South Downtown Waterfront Initiative
One of the globally most experienced and respected experts in central city railyards redevelopment is Canadian architect and urban planner Ken Greenberg. Our former head of planning Andrew Tucker spoke highly of his work. In his book Walking Home
he details over his career several such industrial sites and their redevelopment.
Frank Murphy
#Nanaimo South Downtown Waterfront Committee Chair @VIUniversity VP Dave Witty presentation 2 @cityofnanaimo Council https://t.co/jUOXADKKFT
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) November 12, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
From Project for Public Spaces —
The Impact of Public Markets and
Farmers Markets on Local Economies
Local markets can stimulate the economy. They are encouraging happy face-to-face interactions in the city!
— Charles Montgomery (@thehappycity) November 2, 2015
Great presentation tonight. The best part? "Nanaimo, better than it use to be!" Maybe it can be our official slogan?! thx @thehappycity mom.
— Stephanie Watkins (@WatkinsStephie) November 4, 2015
Thank my mom for that one! https://t.co/eDDDrDSNl1
— Charles Montgomery (@thehappycity) November 4, 2015
On August 17, 1907 Pike Place Market opens in Seattle @WhatWasThere
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Monday, August 17, 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps commits
to building #minimumGRID
safe bikeways in one term
MT @Penalosa_G: @LisaHelps #Victoria BC, Canada. Committed to BUILD #minimumGRID safe bikeways in ONE term. Doable. pic.twitter.com/h7y6OHJotb
— Lisa Helps (@lisahelps) November 1, 2015
From The City Fix —
Bus Rapid Transit has a bright future
Serving more than 32 million passengers daily in 197 cities across the globe, #BRT has a bright future @WRIcities
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Friday, October 23, 2015
Beasley: Skytrain LRT etc too expensive. Bus Rapid Transit is viable. Can convert to LRT in the long run when demand grows.
— Wise Monkeys (@wisemonkeysblog) November 2, 2015
Seattle approves $1billion levy for transit, including BRT expansion supported by business, labor and enviro groups. https://t.co/Cpp4OFiftb
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) November 4, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
—@slowstreets showcasing their research at @SFUPublicSquare Researching the City Oct 30. 5:30-6:45pmhttps://slowstreets.wordpress.com/2015/10/29/slow-streets-who-we-are-and-researching-the-city-showcase/
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Thursday, October 29, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
@WorldVIU Days Nov. 2-6 —
Free keynote by Charles Montgomery @thehappycity
—@WorldVIU Days Nov. 2-6 features free keynote by Charles Montgomery@thehappycity @viunews
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
We approach the 1st anniversary of #Nanaimo City Council, a Council more broadly representative of our community…

Frank Murphy
#Nanaimo: a crisis is a terrible thing to waste.
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) October 28, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
From Slow Streets —
Elements that Make Pedestrian Streets Work

Saturday, October 24, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015
From @StrongTowns —
Want growth? Get People
A paradigm shift is needed for the @cityofnanaimo and it all comes down to this: https://t.co/mPeNw7F1Mt pic.twitter.com/cRVn1FA8ll
— Andrew Jones (@andrewtrevjones) October 23, 2015
@1sidewalkballet A token painted bike lane or sidewalk bulge is not an indication of a paradigm shift @G_Anderson1
— Andrew Jones (@andrewtrevjones) October 23, 2015
Sorry @G_Anderson1 but that's exactly what it is. @andrewtrevjones #Nanaimo tries to coast for years on tiny cosmetic improvements.
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) October 24, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
From Project for Public Spaces —
Streets as Places -
A recent UN-Habitat report shows how “those cities that have failed to integrate the multi-functionality of streets tend to have lesser infrastructure development, lower productivity and a poorer quality of life.” With these issues in mind, how do we ensure that streets in our communities are living up to their potential?
From CityLab — The Invention of Jaywalking The forgotten history of how the auto
industry won the right of way for cars.

Everyone at #walk21vie should watch this great video about the truth story of jaywalking https://t.co/yaZdcddvbb
— Peatónito (@peatonito) October 22, 2015
The Invention of Jaywalking - CityLabTuesday, October 20, 2015
From Bicycle Diaries / David Byrne —
"Our cities are alive, just like us..."
Our cities are alive, just like us; they have both a deep intelligence that guides them and a physical presence....
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Nov. 4th: #Victoria
Walk the Talk with @BrentToderian
@GVCC @VicPlacemaking
Pls join us Nov. 4th: Walk the Talk w @BrentToderian our fall #TransForm event w @VicPlacemaking #yyjevents pic.twitter.com/tiUtJ3FX2z
— GreaterVictoriaCycle (@GVCC) October 14, 2015
Saturday, October 10, 2015
@APEGBC Victoria Branch Seminar —
"Waterfronts and Livable Cities"
with @BrentToderian
Thrilled to announce that @BrentToderian will be speaking in #yyj on waterfront development Nov 5. Please join us! pic.twitter.com/4nGNZMqwrS
— Jennifer Black (@BlackJenniferN) October 6, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
"...a textbook example of how to create a centre and sense of place, a task many Cdn towns, cities trying to confront"
Modernist design and books bring a town together. My @globeandmail column: http://t.co/ru0XSgUEFT pic.twitter.com/r3YCeO93xe
— Alex Bozikovic (@alexbozikovic) October 6, 2015
"...textbook example of how to create a centre and sense of place, a task many Cdn towns, cities trying to confront" https://t.co/CEx3X7klFJ
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) October 9, 2015
Ontario Association of Landscape ArchitectsSaturday, October 3, 2015
Pedestrian friendly street redesigns in Halifax
#Halifax made an impressive transformation with #ArgyleStreet. Here's whats next. http://t.co/d05H51RhNX pic.twitter.com/j9xqNx2GfS v/@Brett_CBC
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) October 3, 2015
Thursday, October 1, 2015
From Waterfront Toronto — Plans for protecting and revitalizing the Port Lands
.@WaterfrontTO lays out their plans for protecting and revitalizing the Port Lands http://t.co/0DGPakHq40 pic.twitter.com/oBIODLbASi
— Park People (@Park_People) October 1, 2015
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Nanaimo needs a public market!
With two big cruise ships in port - so many visitors to the @sjcitymarket today from all over the world!
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Local & Delicious. Open 7 days a week! Come down and join us at 1701 Douglas Street in The Hudson. pic.twitter.com/2ZAxF0wrhz
— Vic Public Market (@VicPubMark) October 1, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
From The Globe and Mail —
Rotterdam transformation
"a place of non-stop design and innovation"

Temples of gastronomy are not something you necessarily expect in Holland. In general, the country’s food rep leans to the stodgy and the tuberous. But the quirky idea of building a food market shaped like an inverted U that incorporates apartments in its arch – residents’ windows peeking out of a giant raspberry or avocado in the hallucinatory ceiling mural – is thoroughly Dutch, a typical mix of playfulness and practicality. Read more: Rotterdam: Holland's infamous port city may be the hippest place in the country - The Globe and Mail
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
Pedestrian upgrades underway
in the Old City Quarter
Thursday, September 10, 2015
From Winnipeg Free Press —
From parking lot to urban paradise

It is rare for a city to be given an opportunity to build a brand new neighbourhood in the heart of its downtown. When it happens, it is usually the result of an industry that was once the economic engine relocating out of the modern core.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Speed Kills: Streets should provide access,
not move people thru quickly. @slowstreets
Speed Kills: Streets should provide access, not move people thru quickly. Our latest report: http://t.co/DJmKRlb9Qz pic.twitter.com/a3AD5e38tU
— Slow Streets (@slowstreets) September 8, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
“…the managing of traffic should never have been given to engineers. They aren’t trained to understand it, in part because they aren’t trained to understand people or cities.” @BrentToderian
The problem with treating #traffic like a hard science - like a liquid or a gas, instead of like people. Comments? pic.twitter.com/qWo89sjfWo
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) September 5, 2015
"...when universities give science degrees in traffic engineering...They are perpetrating a fraud upon students and the public" #JaneJacobs
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) March 19, 2013
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015
From @PPS_Placemaking —
7 major mistakes cities make
when developing their waterfronts
.@PPS_Placemaking details 7 major mistakes cities make when developing their waterfronts: http://t.co/wDuyNjU8Vz #placemaking
— Tim Davis (@kettlemoraine) August 22, 2015
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Was it something I said?
Was it something I said? #Nanaimo Mayor @Bill_McKay11 has unfollowed me! The conversation will have to go on without him I guess.
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) August 22, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
From @100architects —
Urban intervention in Santiago
Check out our last Huellas Artes video!
It contains interesting shots of the whole process of intervention.
— 100architects (@100architects) January 16, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
From @BrentToderian —
4 classic #roaddiets in one 2-minute video
via @JeffSpeckAICP
"4 classic #roaddiets in one 2-minute video" via @JeffSpeckAICP. https://t.co/R5xwmvEq7N What do you think, Tweeps? pic.twitter.com/xP0hqLpnDC
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) August 20, 2015
From @JeffSpeckAICP — Street too wide?
what you need to know, in 30 seconds.
Street too wide?: what you need to know, in 30 seconds.
@paulgoldberger @bcitiestowns @MikeLydon @DPZandCo
— Jeff Speck (@JeffSpeckAICP) August 20, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
From @andrewtrevjones — An idea for #Nanaimo vacant former hotel site
Vancouver creating a pop-up park on city owned land http://t.co/bUFRfd0qrK pic.twitter.com/lyfUfA73i4
— Andrew Jones (@andrewtrevjones) August 18, 2015
An idea for vacant, former hotel site @cityofnanaimo @Bill_McKay11 @diane_brennan @NanaimoCommons https://t.co/MIjEaaorw9
— Andrew Jones (@andrewtrevjones) August 18, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
They must B made "attractive" to "attract" business. Econ development comes only from local economy—Jacobs #EconomyofCities @1sidewalkballet
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) August 13, 2015
Saturday, August 15, 2015
From LandArchs.com —
Top 10 Seaside Regeneration Projects
Top 10 Seaside Regeneration Projects #landarch #waterfront http://t.co/v5bhOsM0v7 pic.twitter.com/78g7M3mpqp
— Brett Lezon (@B_Lezon) August 15, 2015
From @YongeSt — Finalizing the redesign
of Riverdale Park East playground
"Finalizing the redesign of Riverdale Park East playground" via @YongeSt http://t.co/qsXuROxhfz #parkTO pic.twitter.com/m4RLT1o3QC
— Park People (@Park_People) August 13, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
From Walkable Livable Communities—
Road Diets, a livability factsheet

I wonder if the @cityofnanaimo considered these road diet facts before WIDENING Bowen Road? http://t.co/cQ75A5VdB8
— Andrew Jones (@andrewtrevjones) August 11, 2015
#Nanaimo is in deep denial about the harm (social; economic; injuries, deaths) done by its addiction to the car. https://t.co/JTbUJkUO5K
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) August 13, 2015
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
From CityLab — Design traits that most encourage pedestrian activity in smaller cities
What are the design traits that most encourage pedestrian activity in smaller cities? http://t.co/GPDQkjqXT0 pic.twitter.com/HM2OP748lX
— CityLab (@CityLab) August 1, 2015
CityLab on Twitter: "What are the design traits that most encourage pedestrian activity in smaller cities? http://t.co/GPDQkjqXT0 http://t.co/HM2OP748lX"Sunday, August 9, 2015
Friday, August 7, 2015
From National Main Street Centre —
Enhancing the Corridors to Your Downtown
Enhancing the Corridors to Your #Downtown @NatlMainStreet
Posted by Nanaimo Commons on Sunday, August 2, 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015
From BCBusiness —
How Kelowna reinvented itself

Read more: BCBusiness on Twitter: "Why everyone loves (the new) Kelowna: http://t.co/O5kO5BRhmN http://t.co/Hw3GfRpUiA
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
¡más calles así! Via @jen_keesmaat
#México #City #Pedestrian #Street @cityofsmiles. #streetsforpeople ¡más calles así! pic.twitter.com/v80NE96FRp
— Ari Fernando Valerdi (@FernandoValerdi) August 2, 2015
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
@jen_keesmaat —
complete street, Queens Quay, has taught us
a lot about redesigning streets for people
Our spectacular new #completestreet, #QueensQuay, has taught us a lot about redesigning #streetsforpeople pic.twitter.com/nI5YE0rFEH #TOpoli
— jennifer keesmaat (@jen_keesmaat) August 4, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
From The Tyee —
In the scramble for residential land,
should industrial areas be sacrificed?

Friday, July 31, 2015
Time for fresh ideas Nanaimo —
South Downtown Waterfront needs
an open design competition
Council protective of Staff as should be. Fact is tho @cityofnanaimo doesn't have the experience required for a project this big, important
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) August 1, 2015
The report —http://www.southdowntownwaterfront.ca/p/home.html
strongly urged Council to consider the establishment of a public development corporation governed by a detailed charter, to oversee development of the site which Larry Beasley described as having “transformative” potential for Namaimo and which former Councillor Fred Pattje called “Nanaimo’s last urban frontier.” From the report—
There is a long tradition in Canada and the United States of local governments creating special purpose public development corporations. These corporations are designed to implement longer term public policy objectives, particularly for special areas of a municipality that require extraordinary attention, and a unique combination of public and private sector participation. Clearly legislation in British Columbia provides for such entities, and there are many variations across the province.On July 20, three months after the last committee meeting and five months after the last meeting minutes were posted, Staff presented the following Master Plan Terms of Reference report to Council—
The Planning and Design Section will be responsible for this project, with consultants engaged for key plan components including land economics, stakeholder engagement, land use and transportation planning. The necessary Request for Proposals will be prepared for issuance in July 2015.
In these sleepy days of summer I have been unable to get clarification from any of the principles who were involved with the excellent work done Dr Witty’s committee but I will continue to try get feedback. Has the committee been disbanded? Why were its key recommendations rejected by City Staff?
Here's what #Nanaimo CM Swabey says improved urban design and streetscape look like... https://t.co/49gjJvvXBM
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) August 2, 2015
#Nanaimo industrial to Commercial conversion results in much improved urban design and "streetscape" in "big box"area pic.twitter.com/DTrt0AlVpU
— Ted Swabey (@TedSwabey) July 30, 2015
When “urban planning” “economic development” “traffic engineers” tell us what’s best for us things go terribly wrong https://t.co/VIqpbk8ONH
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) August 2, 2015