"A lot of people don’t walk because they are afraid it will kill them before it makes them healthier" @CityLab http://t.co/agAp1qhn3g
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) December 30, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
"Beneath veneer of scientific neutrality
traffic engineering operates to prejudice
of anyone on foot" @CityLab
Monday, December 29, 2014
From PlaceSpeak — Building a sustainable and prosperous waterfront @GeorgiaStraitBC

#Montreal to transform expressway into multi-modal urban boulevard @archpaper
#Montreal to transform expressway into multi-modal urban boulevard http://t.co/r7If0Ki58W pic.twitter.com/XnpoYxozGe
— Architects Newspaper (@archpaper) December 29, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Which BC cities are growing fastest? @bcbusiness
Fastest growing municipalities in BC: http://t.co/JenRgy1rQo pic.twitter.com/r3BKaFeiPW
— DIALOG Vancouver (@DIALOGvancouver) December 23, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
"Urban affordability and parking policy are closely connected" @CityLab
"for every parking stall we don't require developers to build, we can save 25% to 35% of the cost of rent"
http://t.co/K6SUib8zSd #cplan
— Urbanpolicy (@UrbanPolicy) December 20, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
From Project for Public Spaces — Walkability, Quality Public Space Can Be Created in Communities of Any Size

Wednesday, December 10, 2014
From Sustainable Cities Collective —
Sydney Harbor Development
Barangaroo Comes Together

Read more: Sydney Harbor Development | Sustainable Cities Collective
Friday, December 5, 2014
From Next City — New San Diego Park Reconnects City and Waterfront
“It’s supposed to be a hallway connecting the city to the water.” San Diego's new park. http://t.co/5QgYZXdZZM pic.twitter.com/WUFqN1csph
— Next City (@NextCityOrg) December 5, 2014
When San Diego laid out a vision for its waterfront in 1998, the North Embarcadero could have been any city’s under-utilized bayside space. Once a throughway for Navy and fishing traffic, it had been “cut off from downtown with large expanses of asphalt,” according to one document, including roads, large parking lots and superblocks that literally isolated the city from what had once been its front door. Read more: New San Diego Park Reconnects City and WaterfrontWednesday, December 3, 2014
From StrongTowns.org —
Just another pedestrian killed
Just another pedestrian killed. When will the traffic engineering profession own these tragedies? http://t.co/DduHSRrquS
— Charles Marohn (@clmarohn) December 3, 2014
Downtown San Diego "Portland Loo" celebrated @GirlsThinkTank
.@GirlsThinkTank celebrated the installation of a bathroom facility at 14th and L Street. | http://t.co/KDeiXCAXaG pic.twitter.com/S5NinZyEJR
— Anthony Bernal (@AnthonyBernalSD) December 3, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Narrower streets/slower speeds =
pedestrian safety @jen_keesmaat
Narrower streets/slower speeds and pedestrian safety; as speed increases, peripheral sight lines decrease. pic.twitter.com/1OOGfyy77I #TOpoli
— jennifer keesmaat (@jen_keesmaat) November 28, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
#Nanaimo Bastion named one of the top 100 buildings in BC @NanaimoMuseum
The Bastion was named one of the top 100 buildings in BC - top three on Vancouver Island! A #Nanaimo landmark! http://t.co/rItbZMpesc
— Nanaimo Museum (@NanaimoMuseum) November 28, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
From Vancouver Public Space Network —
50 Ideas for Improving Public Space

Friday, November 21, 2014
#Nanaimo #GeorgiaPark lease:
where's City Parks Dept? Parks Commission?
Is a hotel loading zone appropriate use of city park land? http://t.co/g4X88R6zxE #GeorgiaPark @cityofnanaimo Parks & Rec?
— Scott Kimler (@randsco) November 21, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Privately owned public space.
What could possibly go wrong?
Publicly-owned private space in London: "Garden bridge" to close at night, not allow protests: http://t.co/OmvKD63uOb pic.twitter.com/kQpkOl5ZHV
— Stephen Miller (@miller_stephen) November 21, 2014
This is the pedestrian experience in our cities
This brilliant illustration shows how much public space we've surrendered to cars http://t.co/cpUcRzXY9t pic.twitter.com/BSN5FG7ig9
— Vox (@voxdotcom) November 19, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
Downtown surface parking
doesn't leave much actual city
Whoa. Doesn't leave much actual city.
RT @HenryGrabar Surface parking in downtown Little Rock: pic.twitter.com/bQVNjRs7lg
— Taras Grescoe (@grescoe) November 17, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Don't say you weren't warned #Nanaimo #nanelxn14
#Nanaimo will your park be next? Bill McKay wants to turn my waterfront park over to a commercial interest http://t.co/db8Ea71jYV #nanelxn14
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) November 13, 2014
—@mckayformayor A Holiday Inn for Pipers Lagoon? A Ramada for Colliery Dam Park? #nanelxn14
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) November 13, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
New @WaterfrontTO + Port Lands video
Via @GraphicMatt
New @WaterfrontTO hype video concludes with a snazzy Port Lands render. https://t.co/w3ufLXl8IS pic.twitter.com/6IbOy4rFzH
— Matt Elliott (@GraphicMatt) November 7, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
We've shifted city building away from #publicspace @jen_keesmaat
With mass suburbanization, we shifted our city building away from shared public spaces to an emphasis on private space. #PublicRealm
— jennifer keesmaat (@jen_keesmaat) November 4, 2014
Monday, November 3, 2014
What are the #nanelxn14 issues for residents in #Nanaimo? @ShawTV_CVI
RT @ShawTV_CVI: What are the issues for residents in #Nanaimo? #bcpoli #nanelxn14 #shawtv http://t.co/Ub6hNssuKQ
— Hilary Eastmure (@HilaryEastmure) November 3, 2014
Saturday, November 1, 2014
From Price Tags — Arthur Erickson on
False Creek development – 1983
Fascinating Jack Webster interview with Arthur Erickson in 1983, discussing the development of B.C. Place (when it was a proposed megaproject to be developed by the Province) for which he was the consulting architect. Renderings start at 9.45. (A very-80s Dave Podmore, head of planning for B.C. Place, shows up – that’s him pictured.) Full post at: Arthur Erickson on False Creek development – 1983 | Price Tags
Thursday, October 30, 2014
From Project for Public Spaces —
How to Restore Walking as a Way of Life

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Privately owned public space. What could go wrong? RT @CBC_Aboriginal
Privately owned public space. What could go wrong? RT @CBC_Aboriginal:
6-month ban for Gary Moostoos will be lifted http://t.co/fAkoALg2u2
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) October 29, 2014
Jeff Speck's Albuquerque New Mexico
Downtown Walkability Analysis
Albuquerque, New Mexico Downtown Walkability Analysis. This project focuses on walkability and connectivity in downtown, with special attention to the area surrounding the Convention Center and Innovate ABQ site as well as the railroad track at Central Avenue. Jeff Speck's final report submitted Sept 2014 here. More from the City of Albuquerque's website here.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
From Voting Helps — How a boarded up building became the heart of a community

Read more: How a boarded up building became the heart of a community: The Cornerstone Story - Voting Helps
Thursday, October 23, 2014
From Better! Cities & Towns —
A low-cost approach to walkability

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Your Waterfront —
Where Aukland City Meets the Sea
TCL + WA present … Auckland Waterfront – North Wharf Promenade & Silo Park from TCL on Vimeo.
Monday, October 20, 2014
#Minneapolis' Downtown Transit Hub @archpaper
Pictorial> #Minneapolis' Downtown Transit Hub by @PerkinsEastman http://t.co/AQokVa3Ya1 pic.twitter.com/kpZ5T0UmzG
— Architects Newspaper (@archpaper) October 20, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
@BrentToderian on #Aukland's waterfront @WaterfrontAKL
Well into 2 creative days working with @WaterfrontAKL on planning, design & "culture" of #WynyardQuarter #Auckland. pic.twitter.com/U9x7aJ5lo6
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) October 19, 2014
The transformation of #Auckland's waterfront has been remarkable - creative, successful #placemaking. @WaterfrontAKL pic.twitter.com/5P0JcQQL0z
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) October 19, 2014
Transformative #placemaking. RT @AKLdesignchamp: @WaterfrontAKL before & after. Making dramatic changes. #Auckland pic.twitter.com/NiJtjmEfw7
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) October 19, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
South Downtown Waterfront, Georgia Park
On Monday Council Agenda
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Squamish Oceanfront Development
Oct 18 + 25 @SqFarmersMarket come chat with staff working on the #Oceanfront project & have your questions answered pic.twitter.com/2pCvG2QWtM
— Squamish Oceanfront (@sqoceanfront) October 15, 2014
From Squamish Oceanfront Development Corporation website —
Impressive in scale and inspiring in spirit, Squamish Oceanfront is a new master-planned community that brings together the best British Columbia has to offer for living, working, learning and playing. This is a community in the truest sense of the word, incorporating residential, professional, commercial, educational, cultural and recreational elements in an area already world-renowned for its unparalleled beauty and outdoor recreation opportunities.
Monday, October 13, 2014
RT @DenverWWAD @SFUPublicSquare
Video on Civic Engagement
For #walkers interested in health issues: Video on Civic Engagement http://t.co/wEu1i2SA39 via @NanaimoCommons @SFUPublicSquare:
— Walk with a Doc DEN (@DenverWWAD) October 14, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
In honour of #InternationalWalkToSchoolDay @BrentToderian
"Your point? Made." In honour of #InternationalWalkToSchoolDay, #LetKidsRide or #LetKidsWalk to school. pic.twitter.com/l5UQzby6EF
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) October 8, 2014
"There is too much #traffic for Billy to walk to school. So we drive him." We can change this. Help spread the word. pic.twitter.com/FC93lCsqmP
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) February 17, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
"Empire Days" an international embarrassment for #Nanaimo @CBC_Aboriginal
Seattle City Council replaces Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day http://t.co/QexChigsVy pic.twitter.com/da6ixcdsrQ
— CBC_Aboriginal (@CBC_Aboriginal) October 7, 2014
Overdue by decades! @JJWmortgages "Empire Days" an international embarrassment for #Nanaimo @CBC_Aboriginal @dougswhite
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) October 7, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Audain Whistler museum takes shape with major E.J. Hughes loan @bcbusiness
Future #Whistler museum takes shape with major E.J. Hughes loan: http://t.co/gjLNG6qEaM pic.twitter.com/SgR98OPkD9
— BCBusiness (@bcbusiness) October 7, 2014
Georgia Park should stay a park and not be part of a hotel. @BuccaneerInn
This should stay a park and not be part of a hotel. #badidea #Nanaimo @cityofnanaimo pic.twitter.com/xnduCIU0Jl
— Buccaneer Inn (@BuccaneerInn) October 4, 2014
Thursday, October 2, 2014
From YourWaterfront.co.nz —
Where Auckland City Meets the Sea

"But there may be changes to the
[#Nanaimo Georgia Park] lease area"
— City Mgr @TedSwabey
"But there may be changes to the [#Nanaimo Georgia Park] lease area" City Mgr @TedSwabey @RobertJBarron @NanaimoDaily http://t.co/aPSMmFhahJ
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) October 2, 2014
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
From Architect Magazine —
Design Competition Winners
Snøhetta and Dialog Release
Calgary Central Library Designs
Snøhetta and Dialog have released final designs (and video) for a new Central Library in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, following a lengthy stage of community engagement to develop their competition-winning proposal from 2013. Working with Canadian firm Dialog—which has offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto and Calgary—as executive architect, Snøhetta designed a 236,000-square-foot library that covers an existing light rail station, and incorporates gradual elevation changes within the landscape topography to lift the building above the station. Read more: Snøhetta and Dialog Release Calgary Central Library Designs - Architect Magazine
Monday, September 29, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
New Masters of Community Planning Program at @VIUniversity approved
by the province!
New Masters of Community Planning Program at @VIUniversity approved by the province! The first cohort is planned for September 2015. Pls RT
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) September 26, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
From Urban Planner Ryan J. Gilmore — Lessons Learned from Winnipeg’s
Waterford Green

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
#trans_form Speaker Series #3 —
Creating a City for Everyone
@Penalosa_G @kteschke
It's almost here! #trans_form #3 is tomorrow night @LeVelo_Victoria @OlenaNina @CommunityMike @RethinkUrban #yyj pic.twitter.com/TEzgqlMtYo
— GreaterVictoriaCycle (@GVCC) September 17, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
#Vancouver Seawall "Canada's best public place" - it's also a neighbourhood & multi-modal corridor. @BrentToderian
#Vancouver's Seawall has been named Canada's best public place - but it's also a neighborhood & multi-modal corridor. pic.twitter.com/zATF7zAeSg
— Brent Toderian (@BrentToderian) September 8, 2014
Nanaimo’s seawall parks and neighbourhoods are first rate and our best asset. Our City Hall has just passed an upzoning for a pie-in-the-sky “Hilton” hotel development on the waterfront and our City Hall is considering privatizing large portions of our waterfront Georgia Park.Thursday, September 4, 2014
emails to Councillors Bestwick, Kipp re #Nanaimo waterfront hotel public hearing
Date: September 4, 2014 at 1:45:33 PM PDT
Frank Murphy
Subject: Georgia Park
Date: September 4, 2014 at 1:31:09 PM PDT
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Ian Gartshore submission to #Nanaimo Georgia Park privatization hearing @ShoreEnergySolu
Ian Gartshore submission to #Nanaimo Georgia Park privatization hearing @ShoreEnergySolu... http://t.co/gmDPL1KN06
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) September 3, 2014
Monday, September 1, 2014
Time for leadership @Bill_McKay11 Dont turn parks over to commercial xclusv control
Time for leadership @Bill_McKay11 Dont turn parks over to commercial xclusv control @ProtectionIsle @theDoorsgirl @midislandnews @FredPattje
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) September 1, 2014
#Nanaimo giving away public assets MT @NanaimoCommons @ProtectionIsle @midislandnews @FredPattje @Bill_McKay11 http://t.co/VFfBHml2wS
— Fredriko.Quanzo (@FredrikoQuanzo) September 2, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
#Nanaimo Waterfront Hotel Proposal —
Let's play with some numbers...

.@NanaimoCommons Loss of parkland for a development project seems like an utter rejection of #sustainability by local officials.
— Kevin H. Posey (@KevinHPosey) August 26, 2014
Insight has a very smart idea here and I honestly wish I had thought of it! And is it at the end of the day any of my business? They own the property and I’d defend their right to raise investment capital any legal way they want. However —
Letter: Citizens care about downtown parks @NanaimoBulletin http://t.co/rdgYA1qJa7
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) August 29, 2014
Once the project exceeded it’s site, and the zoning restrictions in place, things changed fundamentally. The value that will be put on the market here to small strata owner/investors is provided by 3 pretty big players: Insight Developments who own the property; the Hilton Corporation who we’re told have contracted to operate the hotel; and here’s the thing: a large part of the value of the investment product will be supplied by you and me, that is the City of Nanaimo.
—@anderson_spence No mention of Insight plan: turn bldng over to strata corp asap—Interesitng?
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) August 27, 2014
Save Georgia Park #Nanaimo let's save our public park 4 future generations http://t.co/85yK55ZQ2I #nanaimoelxn
— Mid Island News (@midislandnews) August 31, 2014
Two of the three parties bringing value here, Insight and Hilton, have minimized risk while standing to reap great benefit. Good for them, that’s smart. The third party, the City of Nanaimo, is bringing considerable assets to the table, as listed above, and our potential upside is very difficult to quantify. We risk the loss of parkland, our portion of the cost of park upgrading which may or may not have been a high priority before we became involved in the hotel project, we risk, having given away the uplift value we’ve created, never being able to receive our rightful return on our investment.
Parkland is what makes # Nanaimo great. Don't loose Georgia Park. Letters to @NanaimoBulletin http://t.co/czlD97zKlc
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) August 30, 2014
Cynical rush to public hearing of #Nanaimo waterfront hotel proposal... http://t.co/vUSsbPWe8T
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) August 26, 2014
We need to be as savvy negotiators as our experienced partners in this enterprise. We need to withhold any approval of land purchases and park use permits, of rezoning applications until we have satisfactorily concluded win/win agreements that bring the best value to the community. Approving the rezoning applications now leaves the City effectively hampered in negotiating any other outstanding issues. Why would we even consider doing that?
Enjoy #Nanaimo's harbour waterfront walkway now because big changes coming http://t.co/85yK55ZQ2I cc @ProtectionIsle
— Mid Island News (@midislandnews) August 31, 2014
@midislandnews @ProtectionIsle All I can think of is that song, "paved paradise, put up a parking lot".
— cindy (@theDoorsgirl) August 31, 2014
Ooh, bop bop bop. @theDoorsgirl @midislandnews It can be stopped, but #Nanaimo citizens need to take notice & speak up.
— Protection Island (@ProtectionIsle) August 31, 2014
Public hearing this Thursday. Why the rush? @ProtectionIsle @theDoorsgirl @midislandnews cc @FredPattje @Bill_McKay11 http://t.co/wWAR0p1n8v
— NanaimoCommons (@NanaimoCommons) August 31, 2014
@1sidewalkballet in Nanaimo? bad joke? inc. max allowable density to a Floor Area Ratio of 12 & increase the max allowable height to 114.3m
— CityHallWatch (@CityHallWchVAN) September 4, 2014
Industrial Revolution: The Design and Influence of #GranvilleIsland @DIALOGvancouver
Industrial Revolution: The Design and Influence of #GranvilleIsland
http://t.co/J2KQtG6G7t #dialog
— DIALOG Vancouver (@DIALOGvancouver) August 26, 2014
Just incredible #GranvilleIsland mural taking shape via @designboom http://t.co/QR9GEe7XCN @Van_Biennale @OsGemeos pic.twitter.com/avoXcvFjls
— DIALOG Vancouver (@DIALOGvancouver) August 26, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Rushing hearings the Shock + Awe of RE Dev. No time for citizens to understand,organize. @wisemonkeysblog
@1sidewalkballet Rushing through hearings is the Shock and Awe of RE Dev. Will not allow time for citizens to understand and organize.
— Wise Monkeys (@wisemonkeysblog) August 26, 2014
@wisemonkeysblog @1sidewalkballet also there's an election Nov 15th in #Nanaimo as well. Will public forget if rezoning is rushed through?
— CityHallWatch (@CityHallWchVAN) August 26, 2014
@wisemonkeysblog @1sidewalkballet Similarly #Burnaby is holding a Public Hearing Tuesday Aug 26th on 53-storey tower http://t.co/60o7j5aNPh
— CityHallWatch (@CityHallWchVAN) August 26, 2014
Afraid so @CityHallWchVAN Associated park giveaway + sweetheart land deal might get their attention @wisemonkeysblog http://t.co/grkYHwOg0A
— TheSidewalkBallet (@1sidewalkballet) August 26, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
From @archpaper —Michael Van Valkenburgh’s new Toronto park is a stormwater treatment plant in disguise
Friday, August 22, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Saturday, August 16, 2014
email to Larry Beasley,
Former YVR Chief Planner re: Development Threat To Nanaimo Waterfront Park
![]() |
Larry Beasley |
Subject: Nanaimo's downtown waterfront park
Date: August 16, 2014 at 7:52:47 PM PDT
To: larrybeasleycm@gmail.com
Cc: David Witty, Wally Wells, Pam Shaw
Hi Larry, contacting you from Nanaimo assuming I have your correct email address. I attended and very much enjoyed your presentation here earlier this year as part the exciting South Downtown Waterfront Initiative the leadership of which, as you know, Dave Witty has skillfully assumed. I’ve been posting developments of the Initiative and examples of waterfront revitalizations that have happened or are happening elsewhere at
I remember how taken you were with our wonderful downtown waterfront public areas of promenades, park areas and the array of uses including the boat basin and residential units that integrate with the public sphere. I, and most Nanaimoites love and value highly this brilliant community asset.
— Frank Murphy
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