Sunday, August 1, 2021

Jane Jacobs. Downtown is For People Fortune Magazine 1958

The pedestrian’s level : Let’s look for a moment at the physical dimensions of the street.
The user of downtown is mostly on foot, and to enjoy himself he needs to see plenty of contrast on the streets. He needs assurance that the street is neither interminable nor boring, so he does not get weary just looking down it. Thus streets that have an end in sight are often pleasing; so are streets that have the punctuation of contrast at frequent intervals….
Narrow streets, if they are not too narrow… and are not choked with cars, can also cheer a walker by giving him a continual choice of this side of the street or that, and twice as much to see. The differences are something anyone can try out for himself by walking a selection of downtown streets.
Text : Downtown is For People. Jane Jacobs, Fortune Magazine 1958. Drawings Léon Krier

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